Saturday, April 8, 2017

China Trip Day 5 - Suzhou and back to Shanghai

Our final day in the Shanghai region!  We were ready for some "relaxation" after this first leg of the trip.  Unfortunately today was a tough day, we had THREE shopping trips this day! The first was at a silk "factory" but it was actually not that bad as we all purchased some silk bedding, scarves, etc.  We then went to a Medicine shop where everyone (except me) got a hot foot soak and had doctors "examine" their hands to try to sell people herbs. We ended up at one other place but I blocked it out as a terrible memory.

After dinner we drove through downtown Shanghai and headed to for an evening river cruise. They loaded us onto the boat like cattle and we unfortunately were not able to get a seat! We did stand next to a table so we at least had something to lean against.  We ventured upstairs and the view was really nice but again, very crowded.

Joseph and Maddie got stopped again by a girl wanting to take photos with them.

First leg of the trip is DONE!  We head to Guangzhou next!

Playing with Ivan at the silk store

Taking a much needed sweaty nap on the bus

Very neat looking pedway in Shanghai. It was a circle!

At the medicine store.

Trying to get the kids to sit through the sales pitch at the medicine store.
This did not last long as Ivan wanted the headphones so his mom and I ended up taking the kids outside.

Most everyone dipped their feet into the scalding hot water that had herbs in it.
Then they got their hands massaged and a doctor told them about their ailments.
Certain people got pulled into individual rooms for special treatment aka the HARD SELL to buy lots of expensive herbs (cough cough this happened to Aunt Pooi)

One of my absolute favorite pictures from the trip.

From the top deck of the boat. Look at all those people!!

This girl wanted a picture of Joseph and Maddie. I love Maddie's face in this picture.

Picture of the girl taking a picture of the girl.

Successful family selfie! 

Maddie did not want to take another selfie so started to yell "No!"
And of course we being her parents started to yell at the same time and took this awesome selfie
This picture sums up how the trip was going at that point.

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