Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Family Dinner with Cousins from Hong Kong

We are so behind on posts!  On Monday July 27th, I dropped Maddie off at Pau Pau's on my way to work. Maddie spent the day there, ate some fresh veggies from my Aunt's garden and went to the park.

Later that evening, we had dinner in Chinatown with some extended family, including my cousins Rachel and Nathan who flew in all the way from Hong Kong and London!  We haven't seen Rachel in about a year, the last time we saw her was last year and Maddie was still in my belly (I was 7-8 months pregnant).  And we hadn't seen Nathan in probably 7 years!

We all caught up at Bak Bak's house before dinner and Rachel & Nathan got to meet and hold Maddie.  Afterwards we walked to a Chinese restaurant a couple of blocks away. Almost the entire family from my mom's side was at dinner.  We had a huge 10+ course dinner and it was delicious! Maddie tried so many new foods including pork, steamed fish, rice, noodles, lemon and ginger! We gave Maddie a piece of steamed Chinese broccoli, or Gai-lan, and she spent a good part of the evening just chewing on it! It was great to be able to focus on our own meals while Maddie chomped away on the veggie.  She was a trooper even though we were up way past her bedtime.

It was great spending an evening with the family!

Sitting in a big spinning thing the park
Enjoying some fresh garden veggies! Cilantro in one hand, and lettuce in the other.

Cousins Nathan and Rachel

Chewing on Gai-Lan

First taste of lemon

Playing with cousin Emilie

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