Saturday, May 23, 2015

Good Night Moon

Here are some sweet pictures of Madeline sleeping. She has started to turn in her sleep and stay asleep!  Throughout the night she will turn and sleep on her side, then flop back onto her back, sleep on her side, sleep on her back, etc.  She pivots as well and as the evening goes on, she will be out of view of the baby monitor.  One night she turned 360 degrees!

Maddie has also started to fall asleep and stay asleep on her tummy!  We normally put her to bed on her back but will flip her if she gets restless.  She hasn't yet flipped from tummy to back in her sleep.  However, she has finally rolled over from tummy to back!  She has done so twice, both times have been shortly after she's woken up, waiting for Joseph or me to come get her out of bed.  I haven't seen her do it yet... but twice I have seen her on her tummy on the baby monitor, then a few moments later she was on her back!

In case anyone is wondering, the monkey suit is called a Zipadee Zip.  It is basically a wearable blanket in the shape of a starfish. We transitioned her out of the Merlin suit into this and really noticed a difference in her sleep (after a few nights of her getting used to all of the movement)! She started to take longer naps and slept a lot more restfully. Not to mention she looks pretty adorable in it!

Sleeping on her side!

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