Friday, April 17, 2015

Tot Playtime at Wicker Park Fieldhouse

We signed Maddie up for Tot Playtime at the Wicker Park Fieldhouse.  It is 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday & Friday) around lunchtime until the beginning of June.  Maddie is the youngest one there at 5 months, she is the only one not moving around on her own.  The other young babies either crawl, army crawl, or roll around to get where they need to.  There are also lots of toddlers who are walking.

There are lots of "new" toys for her to play with (I write "new" because they are really old and dirty toys, but "new" because they are different from what we have at home).  There is a 9 month girl named Ruby who Maddie has played with a couple of times.  At Maddie's first playtime, Ruby was given a bottle.  It took a while for Maddie to realize what was going on, but when she realized Ruby had a bottle and she didn't, she started to cry.  Playtime was cut short to go home to feed her.  We make sure to bring a bottle with us now!

So far the socialization has been really good for Maddie.  We see her catching on to new toys quickly. She especially likes a little drum, so we went out and got a couple for her from the thrift store.  She likes watching all the big kids around her moving around on their own, hopefully she will develop quicker by watching them.  So far she hasn't gotten scared when other babies crawl up to her or sit next to her and play.

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