Tuesday, December 2, 2014

3 Weeks and some Change

We're 3 1/2 weeks in and still going.  Though, things aren't as fun and new as they once were.  Baby is starting to take a toll on both parents physically.   Backs hurt, arms are sore, the dogs are barking from having to walk her around so much, sleep is just a story we reminisce about...  We experienced a few days of colicky baby bliss that concluded with 3 megapoops in an hour - one of them the biggest, grossest, double-sided diaper poops I've ever seen.  When I peeled open her onesie to find that "gift" I actually questioned whether Vickie had turned a used diaper inside out just screw with me.  Can anyone explain to me the physics of how baby poop can come out of the butt but end up in the front and outside of the diaper?   Oh well...

Some things are going well.  She's still super cute when she's awake/not fussy.  We've migrated her to the occasional bottle.  We found a pacifier she doesn't absolutely hate.  She's putting on weight.... and the colicky behavior doesn't seem to be a regular thing.  We're just hoping it's diet.  I'm trying to convince Vickie to give up cheese/dairy to see if it helps (and to get cheese out of the house).

Maddie took her first bottle like a pro.

Going for a walk with Daddy

Some random pictures

Here's a video of Maddie being tickled.  She seems to like it up to a point.  I turned the camera off just as she was about to unleash her baby rage.

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